Modular building components
See also: Muqarnas studies
Villa Muqarnas V1 is part of a series of villas exploring the use of Muqarnas as large-scale building components. The Muqarnas is a form of ornament vaulting in Islamic architecture. Sometimes called honeycomb vaulting or stalactite vaulting. This structure acts as a smooth transition from the walls of a room into a domed ceiling.
In this research the traditional structure has been used to inspire large-scale, "megalithic" modules used as a composition system to generate mass and void of a building. The modules are combined in a multitude of configurations generating different spatial qualities.

Green integration
The volumes of the house are generating protective domes and elevated platform to host local flora at different levels. The green areas are the interface between the house and the surroundings.
Passive energy systems
The roof acts as a passive cooling system: a pond with a few cm of water is stored on the roof. The top insulation layer is closed during the daytime, and opened during the night hours to facilitate nocturnal radiative cooling (heat loss through evaporation and convection).