The Fibre shelter project was born from the idea to create a project highly integrated with the park environment according to his position and fruition qualities.
In the first part of the analysis, a distribution strategy inside the park has been defined. This kind of strategy could also be used for the positioning of further actions, keeping a certain distribution coherence inside the park itself.
The shelter structure is made of a fibrous structure system, placed in a certain way in order to define a rigid structure, easy to set up and with nice space characteristics. The main structure is made of pipes/fiber that can be hooked and they are the base for the second level of thickening. In collaboration with Co-de-iT
The main structure is made of a double level of tubular elements that are interconnected, to which the second structure of thinner fiber will be hooked.
The system defines a highly resistant and rigid structure where the thickening creates a redundant and static model, where the bonds between the elements are more than the minimum needed to determine a rigid structure. This strategy is used with success by many natural systems because the surplus of the elements makes the system reacts in a better way to unpredictable stresses, furthermore, it makes every single element not essential, and for this reason, if a single element is damaged it will not damage the whole structure.
SplineTEX®Carbon sT40 is a material made of plastic and reinforced fiber, that allows creating light and resistant structures without any expensive folding processes.
MAIN STRUCTURE first level
n° of closed elements: 4
total length 257m
MAIN STRUCTURE second level
n° of elements: 6
total length: 221m total n° of bookings : 169
Another level of carbon fiber is hooked to the main structure, this fiber once they are processed with specific resins will become a completing part of the structure. The fiber are distributed according to a gradient of the surface arching, for this reason, they are thicker where the arching is bigger because these are the weaker part of the structure
n° of the elements: 1497
total length: 2661m
We have chosen to use carbon fiber both for the high mechanical characteristics and for the low maintenance that this kind of structure requires.
The whole system is defined through a parametric system, this makes everything highly flexible, giving the possibility to add other variations and to add a further relationship between the elements.
This method gives a precise output for each component, as well as the instructions for the installation. The fiber structure has a high capability to create well-structured spaces where transparency modulation creates different light conditions inside the shelter.
Furthermore, the thickening variation defines the transition between the more permeable and open spaces and others where the fiber thickening creates a shelter.
The shelter thickening encourages the visitor to research and exploration the space and in the meantime, it creates meeting situations and perceptive experience.
The analysis phase has employed fluid dynamics software in order to define the intensity and direction pattern inside the park system. The analysis has as a base the parking structure and it reproduces the diffusion of the fluid dynamics system where the central part of the PAV museum has been defined as the main attraction point.
According to the mapping base, the definition of the most suitable areas for the inserting of the shelter/s inside the park has been defined.