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Fibrous structure

“… I’m looking at the other side of the hill, and my attention is captured by a soft shape that emerges from the woods.”
The porous shell of the house is a fiber twist of plant origin. The twist changes according to the loads and needs of the internal spaces, determining surfaces with a variable density: they can be compact in order to stiffen the whole or clear in order to allow the natural light to penetrate the inside environment.
The fibers create a gradual transition between the inside and outside, mediating from the woods that surround the house and the internal part of the house itself.

The inner spaces swollen stressing the fiber system and creating at the same time functional vacant places between them and the external shell.

The inner spaces swollen stressing the fiber system and creating at the same time functional vacant places between them and the external shell.

The fibers emerge from the ground and grow vertically in order to make a sort of exoskeleton that narrows in the covering and folds and transform inside in the transparent surfaces of the internal spaces. These are made of Shrilk plastic membrane ( synthesis of silk fiber and chitin) directly welded with the first fiber layers.

This project is about the potential that fiber structures can have in renovating the building technologies in order to develop elastic redundant systems that are able to react to unforeseen mechanical stresses by absorbing their strength.

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